Your ergonomics agency for a successful user experience!

At 40/60, we specialize in user-centered design and ergonomic solutions, creating digital interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and effective.

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Interface application web ADN Dataworkshop d'équipe centré utilisateurBadge d'agrément CII
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken


Projects launched


Designers and developers

Visuels d'interfaces digitales

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Transforming digital interfaces into smooth and enjoyable user experiences.

Located in Paris and Nantes, we are a leading agency specialized in ergonomics, UX/UI design, and development of web and mobile applications as well as acquisition websites. Our mission? Transforming digital interfaces into spaces that are intuitive, accessible and enjoyable for all users. With our deep expertise and passion for design excellence, we help our customers create products that are not only aesthetic, but above all functional and easy to use.

Join us on this journey where every pixel, every interaction, is designed to provide an unparalleled user experience. Find out how we stand out in the field of usability and UX/UI design.

Atelier de priorisationInterface mobile Youcie

The ergonomics and expertise of 40/60

Innovation in 40/60's DNA

Our expertise isn't limited to visual aesthetics; it includes a deep understanding of user psychology and technology best practices.
Our team, a blend of creativity and technical innovation, is dedicated to deploying ergonomic solutions tailored to each challenge.
The objective? Digital products that not only captivate, but also make life easier for users. Our team combines creativity and technical innovation to create digital experiences that are intuitive and engaging.

Customized ergonomic solutions

Whether you are a start-up or a large company, we offer a range of ergonomic services designed to meet your unique needs.
From defining ideal ergonomics to stimulating product-market fit, we are your ideal partner to maximize your business on your: acquisition, conversion, retention and referral.

Customized services for the success of your business!

Far from standard solutions, we take a personalized approach to each project, allowing us to specifically meet the unique needs of our customers. This flexibility and attention to detail make 40/60 the ideal partner for any business seeking excellence in user experience.

Ecrans mobiles et desktop de l'ADN data

Our approach and methodology in ergonomics and interface design

At 40/60, our methodology is distinguished by an approach that is both customer and user centered, ensuring that each project reflects a perfect balance between business goals and the needs of end users. Here's how we do it.

UX and Ergonomic Audit

Analyze in depth the current state of digital products to identify opportunities for improvement.
We start with a comprehensive audit that includes the analysis of existing studies, web analytics, and an evaluation of current performance. This audit allows us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing interfaces from an ergonomic point of view.

Livrables audit UX
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User Tests

Gather concrete data on how users interact with your digital product.
We use usability tests to observe how users interact with the product under real conditions. It helps us understand their behaviors, challenges, and preferences.

Tests utilisateurs sur le terrainPhase de test utilisateurs
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Customer-centric approach

Optimize assets in direct contact with customers. For example: Website, web application etc.
For elements such as websites and applications that are in direct contact with customers, our approach is strongly customer-centric. We focus on optimizing the customer experience through in-depth studies, performance analysis, and targeted interventions.

Atelier d'idéation centré utilisateur
Use case Label Emmaus
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Our ergonomic services for start-ups and large companies

At 40/60, we offer a range of specialized ergonomic services for start-ups and large companies. From ergonomic definition to launch offers and support to achieve product-market fit, we have the expertise to transform your digital product.

Ergonomic definition

We work closely with you to define the ideal ergonomics of your product, ensuring that it perfectly meets user expectations.

Etapes de la création d'un produit
Discover the Define offer
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Launch offers

Our launch solutions are designed to ensure that your product makes a memorable first impression, with an intuitive and engaging user interface.

A group of people standing around a white board.Mockup mobiles de l'application Carplay Stellantis
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Boost to reach your product market fit

We help refine the ergonomics of your product so that it resonates perfectly with your target market, thus increasing your chances of achieving product market fit.

Personne autours d'une table qui participe à un atelier
Discover the Boost offer
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For big businesses

Our four-step approach ensures a successful digital transformation

Understanding uses

We start with a thorough analysis of user behaviors and needs to ensure that our solutions are fully aligned.

Atelier avec le client
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Identifying opportunities

By identifying opportunities for improvement, we implement ergonomic strategies that maximize efficiency and commitment.

Écran d'une application pour mettre en lien des personnesDessin d'un storyboard
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Realization of POC (Proof of Concept)

We develop prototypes to test and validate our ergonomic concepts, thus ensuring their effectiveness before full deployment.

Composant web réalisés pour Heineken
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Digital redesign

We offer redesign services to modernize and improve the ergonomics of your existing products, aligning them with the latest trends and technologies.

Ecrans du dashboard de l'ADN data
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We are CII approved. You can pick up around 20 to 30% in tax credits.

Take advantage of Diag Design assistance (1500€), we are a BPI partner.

Photo de Marouane El Gueddah

“I am thrilled to have worked with the 40/60 team to redesign the UX and UI of our application and website. The objective of our collaboration was ambitious, but their support, time, expertise and valuable advice allowed us to successfully complete our project.”

5x more leads converted
Marouane El Gueddah
General manager
DNA data
Pouce en l'air
Recommend this agency
A woman in a yellow shirt holding a pair of scissors.

“The collaboration with 40/60 is warm! A young, dynamic and flexible team. A remarkable quality of exchange and a real value proposition throughout the collaboration. We had the opportunity to work with a lot of partners, but despite the complexity of the 40/60 project, we took up the challenge and knew how to transform: Our vision into reality.”

+1.5M euros raised
Toya Vertil
Pouce en l'air
Recommend this agency
A man with grey hair smiling for a picture.

“Our objective was to reinforce the value of our application and the agency was a great help in this mission. What I really appreciated during our collaboration was the agency's ability to understand our complex environment. They took the time to listen to our needs and to work closely with us to design meaningful changes that improved our product in a tangible way. Their commitment to our success was nothing short of incredible and we couldn't be more grateful for their contribution to our business.”

Nicolas Hiver
Pouce en l'air
Recommend this agency
A man standing in front of a glass block wall.

“We worked with 40/60 to improve the user experience of our dashboard and better understand the needs of our users. They took the time to understand our business and the expectations of our users, to offer us tailor-made solutions adapted to our needs. Thanks to them, we managed to create a user experience that was more intuitive and closer to our users. We highly recommend 40/60 for their professionalism, their competence and their sense of humanity.”

Christopher Chevalier
Pouce en l'air
Recommend this agency
A man wearing glasses and a blue sweater.

“A team that listens and is professional. Extensive thinking to understand what exists and highlight areas for improvement in the user experience.”

4 projects in the process of being launched
Antoine Gouteix
My design office
Pouce en l'air
Recommend this agency
A man with a beard smiling at the camera.

“My collaboration with 40/60 was excellent from the start to the end of my project. A team that listens, professional and efficient. They were able to fully meet my expectations. Would definitely recommend!”

Jordan Ducroquet
Pouce en l'air
Recommend this agency
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Increase your chances of success as soon as you launch your product

Fixing a development problem costs 10 times more than solving it in design, and 100 times more expensive if you are trying to solve the problem with a product that has already been released in production.

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Our collaborations successes

They loved the collaboration and loved the result.

5/5 étoiles de notation

“We have developed the first digital service for renting beer dispensers with delivery in 30 minutes and refrigerated. Pilot built and launched in less than three months thanks to the design thinking approach orchestrated by the Schoolab team and 40/60.”

Photo by Pierre from Heineken
Pierre Lorrant
‍ ‍ ‍ Product Owner at Heineken
Heineken logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“Our objective was to reinforce the value of our application and the agency was a great help in this mission. What I really appreciated during our collaboration was the agency's ability to understand our complex environment. They took the time to listen to our needs and to work closely with us to design meaningful changes that improved our product in a tangible way. Their commitment to our success was nothing short of incredible and we couldn't be more grateful for their contribution to our business.”

Photo of Nicolas from SNCF Tansilien
Nicolas Hiver
Product Manager at SNCF Transilien
SNCF Tansilien logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“Dynamism, seriousness, listening while being in a climate of conviviality conducive to excellent exchanges”

Photo by Olivier from Stellantis
Olivier Sancier
Project Manager Media and Gaming
Stellantis logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“A big thank you for the quality of your work! We are very happy with the result and especially with our collaboration to launch our product on the market!”

Photo of Ludovic from Allaw
Ludovic Stang
Co-Founder & CEO of Allaw
Allaw logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“The collaboration with the studio is excellent in every way! The agreement and exchanges with the studio teams are of very good quality, the work provided lived up to our expectations, and at an affordable price. Camille and her team know how, from sprint to sprint, adapt to our requests, produce numerous routes and alternatives to give us different perspectives. We are convinced that our collaboration, which started in 2019, is destined to last over time.”

Photo by Tomas from Simplonline
Tomas Simoni
Product Manager
Simplonline logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“40/60 did a great job redesigning our marketplace. The impact of the redesign was real, with a 35% increase in the conversion rate after the redesign.”

Photo by Iris by Label Emmaus
Iris de Corlieu
Label Emmaüs Transition Manager
Emmaus Label logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“I am eager to have worked with the 40/60 team to redesign the UX and UI of our application and website. The objective of our collaboration was ambitious, but their support, time, expertise and valuable advice allowed us to successfully complete our project.”

Photo of Marouane from ADN Data
Marouane El Gueddah
General manager
DNA Data logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“What we preferred about our collaboration was 40/60's ability to adapt to our unusual business and to offer adapted solutions.”

Picture of Tanguy from Stokelp
Tanguy De Cottignies
President of Stokelp
Stokelp logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

The redesign of our platform has perfectly integrated the needs of users and the community, establishing a harmonious link between these two worlds. The goal of revitalizing the user experience was successfully achieved through an engaging user interface. The professionalism, creativity and responsiveness demonstrated fully met our expectations, within the initial framework defined at the beginning of the mission.

Photo by Lucile from Visiativ
Lucile Jaricot
Product Manager
Visiativ logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“A team that listens and is professional. Extensive thinking to understand what exists and highlight areas for improvement in the user experience.”

Photo by Antoine de Mon Bureau D'Etude
Antoine Gouteix
Digital Web Development & Communication Manager
My Design Office logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“The collaboration with 40/60 is warm! A young, dynamic and flexible team. A remarkable quality of exchange and real value proposals throughout the collaboration. We had the opportunity to work with a lot of partners, but despite the complexity of the project, 40/60 took up the challenge and was able to transform: our vision into reality.”

Photo by Toya from Yure
Toya Vertil
Yure logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“We worked with 40/60 to improve the user experience of our dashboard and better understand the needs of our users. They took the time to understand our business and the expectations of our users, to offer us tailor-made solutions adapted to our needs. Thanks to them, we have succeeded in creating a user experience that is more intuitive and closer to our users. We highly recommend 40/60 for their professionalism, their competence and their sense of humanity.”

Photo by Christophe from Botmind
Christophe Chevalier
Botmind logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“Thanks to the 40/60 agency initiative, we have been able to design a revolutionary tool that will propel CND into a new era.”

Stéphane from NDT Manager's profile photo
Stéphane Graveleau
Technical Director - SREM Technologies
NDT Manager logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“The 40/60 team was able to immediately absorb our product philosophy to improve user journeys and produce mockups that we are gradually integrating into our application. The iterations were very fast; each time involving the right mix of ideas, concrete proposals and taking into account our feedback. More than a studio, 40/60 is a real partner for all design/product/UX themes with an ultra-dynamic, responsive and proactive team.”

Photo by Damien from Steerio
Damien Guery
Steerio logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“A team that listens and is professional. Extensive thinking to understand what exists and highlight areas for improvement in the user experience.”

Photo by Antoine from Mon Bureau D'Etude
Antoine Gouteix
My Design Office logo
No testimony
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Photo de Quentin Da Silva
Quentin: 06 32 41 68 82
Quote de citation de témoignage
Photo de Marouane El Gueddah

Marouane El Gueddah

CEO of ADN Data

“By far the best agency collaboration”
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