Your CII approved agency for the success of your digital project

Transform your projects into innovative realities with the research tax credit.

Test my eligibility
A man and a woman sitting in front of a laptop computer.A group of people sitting around a table talking.Badge d'agrément CII
logo Arte
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Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken


Projects launched


Designers and developers

Ecran des produit ADN data et Yure

Is your project eligible for the CII?

Find out if your project is eligible for the CII in a few clicks!

Test my eligibility

The innovation tax credit, a key device for financing your digital product

Are you looking for a CII approved agency to boost your innovation? You are in the right place. At 40/60, we are more than just a web agency. Thanks to our CII approval, we are your ideal service provider for any operation related to research and development (R&D)

A group of people sitting around a table.Dashboard de Allaw

Why choose a CII approved agency?

The role of CII in your strategy

This system is a real accelerator for innovative companies. They allow you to benefit from a return on your investments in R&D and the creation of digital products. Thanks to our approval, we are a recommended service provider to support you in this journey.

Approval: More than a Formality, a Necessity

To obtain CII approval, 40/60 follows a strict procedure defined by the Ministry in charge of Research. The application for approval includes a detailed presentation of the specific skills of the team, material and technical resources, as well as project references in the field of innovation. CII certification is awarded to companies that demonstrate a real capacity to carry out research and development work, and to contribute significantly to technological innovation. It is not simply a question of financial capacity or the size of a company, but of real technical know-how and expertise in terms of innovation.40/60 is thus committed to a rigorous process of highlighting its experience, its skills and its capacity to successfully carry out innovative projects. It is this requirement for quality and expertise that distinguishes CII approved companies from other players in the market, and that guarantees 40/60 customers a service of superior quality, meeting the highest criteria in terms of technological innovation and research and development.

Ecrans mobiles et desktop de l'ADN data

Our services, from design to implementation.

In an environment where innovation is the key to competitiveness, 40/60 is positioned as a service provider of choice. Our expertise and our CII certification make us your ideal partner for the complete support of your digital projects. Our agency is not simply a subcontractor; we are your partner in the realization of innovative projects, from product design to the implementation of your product on the market.

Our Methodology Focused on Innovation

We use an integrated approach to help our customers turn ideas into successful digital products.

Using proven data and methodologies, we identify user needs, optimize the customer journey, and develop functional prototypes

A group of people standing in a room.Maquettes du site réalisé pour Strate école de DesignA person holding a cell phone with a text message on the screen.

A wide range of eligible transactions

Our offer goes well beyond the simple realization of projects. We take care of the entire development process, from the initial audit to the establishment of performance indicators. Each of our services is eligible for the CII.

Our services include:

Audit and strategic advice

Flèche qui indique un élément déroulant

We assess the adequacy between your vision and the needs of the market.

Etapes de la création d'un produit

Design and development

Flèche qui indique un élément déroulant

Thanks to a multidisciplinary team composed of experts in UX, web development, and data science, we create products that meet the specific needs of your business.

A group of people standing around a white board.Mockup mobiles de l'application Carplay Stellantis

Post-launch support

Flèche qui indique un élément déroulant

We don't stop at delivery. Our post-launch follow-up ensures that the product meets its objectives and adapts to user feedback.

A man sitting at a desk using a laptop computer.

Multisectoral collaboration

We have the experience of working with players from different sectors, from innovative startups to large established companies.

This diversity allows us to offer you solutions that benefit from our vast cross-sector expertise.

The benefits for our customers

Photo de Marouane

Marouane El Gueddah

Managing Director of ADN Data”

“As a fast-growing company, the CII allowed us to finance our innovative project with complete peace of mind. 40/60's expertise was decisive. “

How do you know if your project is eligible?

Fill out our questionnaire to find out if your project is eligible for the CII system. It's simple, fast and could save you a lot on your R&D expenses.

How to know if your project is eligible.

CII eligibility test

It's simple, fast and could save you a lot on your R&D expenses


Question 1/6

Are you an SME? *

It's simple, fast and could save you a lot on your R&D expenses


Question 2/6

What type of development are you doing?

Question 3/6

How does your product differ from the solutions on its market?

Question 4/6

What is the development stage of your product?

Question 5/6

What was the nature of the work involved in developing the product?

Question 6/6

What are the expenses incurred for product development?


Your project is eligible for the CII!

Beyond the CII, France offers a variety of financing mechanisms to support innovative and technological projects.

Discover my eligible financing optionsRepeat the test

A project in mind?

Let's work together

Start my project
Ecran de l'ADN data et de Yure

Your project is not eligible for the CII.

It is imperative to have personnel expenses in order to be eligible for the CII. However, France offers a variety of financing arrangements to support innovative and technological projects.

Discover my eligible financing optionsRepeat the test
Ecran de l'ADN data et de Yure

Thanks! Your request has been received!

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The questions we are often asked

What is CIR and how does it differ from CII?

Flèche qui pointe vers la droite / bas

The Research Tax Credit (CIR) and the Innovation Tax Credit (CII) are two French tax systems designed to support companies in their innovation efforts. The CIR aims to encourage companies to carry out research and development (R&D) work. It applies to R&D expenses and offers a significant tax reduction. The CII, for its part, is specifically designed to support expenses related to the design of new innovative products or services. While the CIR covers a wider spectrum of R&D, the CII focuses more on innovation in the development of new products.

What are the bodies in charge of accreditation?

Flèche qui pointe vers la droite / bas

Approval for the Research Tax Credit and the Innovation Tax Credit is issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in France. This ministry is responsible for evaluating accreditation applications, ensuring that companies applying for the CIR or CII meet the necessary criteria, in particular in terms of their ability to carry out research and development work or innovation activities.

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