How do I respond to a user problem with the Design Sprint?

Visualize your product before you even start developing it

A man and a woman sitting in front of a laptop computer.
A group of people standing around a white board.
A group of people standing around a living room.
A group of people sitting around a table working on a project.
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken

Our mission


Sprint designs at 40/60, a way to “crack” a UX challenge specific to your product. The idea is to offer this offer to companies that want to solve a problem quickly and in collective intelligence, with several people.

Is the design sprint
Made for whether

The best way to find out if this solution is right for you is to see if you meet at least 1 of these criteria.

You have an idea

Do you want to develop a new product quickly?

You have a need

Do you want to consolidate an expression of need?

You want to create a product

Do you want to engage in the redesign of a product?

You have goals to reach

Do you want to validate your business hypotheses?

Why participate in a
design sprint?

5 days to solve complex problems, design prototypes and gather user feedback quickly and effectively:


Bring your business teams together with our designers and product experts in order to develop and test a solution with your target audience


Experience Design Thinking, an iterative, human-centered approach

Management framework

Lay the foundations for agile functioning to promote flexibility, interdisciplinary collaboration, and rapid thinking


Tackle an important node during this development process by getting an initial solution at the end of the sprint

5 days for innovate.

Day 1
Photo de personnes qui font un workshop design



Chevron qui indique un élément déroulant

Identify and analyze in depth the real needs of users to define the central problem.


- Summary of the needs and expectations of users.
- Mapping of problems and opportunities.
- Clear statement of the problem to be solved.

Day 2
A group of people sitting around a table with sticky notes on it.



Chevron qui indique un élément déroulant

Explore a wide range of innovative ideas and select the most appropriate solutions to the user problem.


- List of creative ideas generated during the brainstorming session.
- Selection of the most promising ideas.
- Initial concept of the solution based on the ideas selected.

Day 3
A group of people sitting at a table with laptops.



Chevron qui indique un élément déroulant

Develop a concrete action plan to transform the selected ideas into a feasible solution.


- Detailed outline of the proposed solution.
- Implementation plan with key steps and required resources.
- Initial assessment of technical and commercial implications.

Day 4
Différents projets mener par l'agence



Chevron qui indique un élément déroulant

Create an interactive prototype to materialize the solution, in preparation for validation tests.


- Functional prototype of the solution.
- Technical documentation and prototype user guide.
- Test plan for the validation day.

Day 5
A group of people standing in front of a computer screen.



Chevron qui indique un élément déroulant

Collect user feedback on the prototype to assess its relevance and effectiveness, and define areas for improvement.


- Feedback and comments from test users.
- Analysis of test results and recommendations.
- Action plan for iterating or implementing the solution.

Before starting the workshop, here are the Prerequisites

A multidisciplinary team, a source of success

Focus on a group of 5 to 7 people, most often bringing together a facilitator, a product manager, an industry expert, a designer, a developer, a marketing manager and a user

A clearly identified problem and challenges

This step is essential before moving on to the design of a solution. It is a question of defining from the beginning the problem to be solved thanks to the collective intelligence of the group.

Good organization up front

Coordinating each phase of the workshop requires both the communication of the week's schedule and the anticipated recruitment of users for the tests of the solution scheduled for Friday.

The design sprint, a challenge taken up with them.


Support the digital hub in thinking and designing interactions on CarPlay and Android Auto interfaces.

3 projects — Under development on more than 25 million cars

Customer case: IOS and Carplay music application
Mockup of a mobile app

Educt' Arte

Redesign Arte's education platform, for schools.

2 products — To redesign different paths of the platform

Customer case: “Educt'Arte” platform
Mockup de la plateforme pédagogique Educ'Arte

Discover all of our achievements

At the key

The 5-day Design Sprint is an accelerated formula to transform ideas into tested and validated solutions. In one week, you'll clarify user needs, create a functional prototype, and validate your concept, reducing risks and laying the groundwork for a successful launch. It is the ideal approach to stimulate rapid and effective innovation in your business


The motivation

An idea of the underlying motivations and the problems identified for further investigation


One direction

The feeling of being on the right track, but hypotheses or questions remain to be validated.


A concrete idea

A promising first solution that was acclaimed by the first users.


A prototype

A first prototype to allow you to test your idea in a concrete way

A project in mind?
Let's work together!

Start a project
Personne autours d'une table qui participe à un atelier


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Photo de Quentin Da Silva
Quentin: 06 32 41 68 82
Quote de citation de témoignage
Photo de Marouane El Gueddah

Marouane El Gueddah

CEO of ADN Data

“By far the best agency collaboration”
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