Model of the new BConseil siteFlèche vers le bas
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Support B.Conseil in the complete redesign of their website

Finance & Insurance
Web site

About the project

The company B.Conseil, specialized in obtaining financing and research & innovation tax credits, contacted 40/60 Studio to entrust us with the redesign of their website. It is a redesign with several challenges since it is based on the restructuring and valorization of numerous contents that are little used today.In addition to an entire UX & UI redesign, the 40/60 team integrated the website on Webflow by following a component logic allowing the client to be able to scale his site independently and easily.

See the website


UX/UI Design

Webflow integration

Mockup d'ecran du site de Bconseil
Mockup d'ecran du site de Bconseil
Mockup d'ecran du site de Bconseil
Mockup d'ecran du site de Bconseil
Mockup d'ecran du site de Bconseil

Webflow website

The use of Webflow for the development of the site allowed us to focus on interactivity and a fluid user experience while facilitating the modification or integration of new content.

Logo client-first

We are certified client first! The best methodology to design a scalable site on Webflow.

Logo webflow

We are a Webflow expert and we have been using it since 2020. We create showcase sites with the best web practices!

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