Design of the new BigBloom Academy website
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Big Bloom

Creation of the Big Bloom Academy online training website

Web site

About the project

The Big Bloom association called on 40/60 Studio as part of a new ambitious project. They wanted to be able to offer a new 100% online training and tutoring service specialized in agile methodologies and Design Thinking.

We used our design expertise in the creation of a website adapted to B2C & B2B speeches according to the various offers offered by their service. Subsequently, we fully integrated this site under Webflow.

See the website


Art direction

Webflow integration

Design of the new BigBloom Academy website

Webflow website

The use of Webflow for the development of the site allowed us to focus on interactivity and a fluid user experience while facilitating the modification or integration of new content.

Logo client-first

We are certified client first! The best methodology to design a scalable site on Webflow.

Logo webflow

We are a Webflow expert and we have been using it since 2020. We create showcase sites with the best web practices!

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