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Label Emmaüs

Optimization of the Label Emmaüs marketplace to attract a new generation of users

E-commerce / Marketplace

About the project

Faced with the rise of platforms like Vinted, Label Emmaüs felt the need to evolve. With a site initially designed for desktop and not very adapted to mobile, it was imperative to align with current trends to attract a younger and “mobile-first” audience.

See the website



Product design


Ecrans mobiles de la marketplace

The problems addressed


A thoughtful “desktop” site

Buying journey

A lack of awareness of Label Emmaus's marketplace status leading to confusion during purchases.

Graphic chart

Mainly designed for printing, it required a redesign for digital.


Filters and categories that are not always intuitive for the user.

Deux écrans de la boutique
Deux écrans desktop de la marketplace
Trois écrans en version mobile de la marketplace
De multiples écrans de l'interface desktop

The challenges of the project

The objective of the redesign was also in the methodological support of the teams, to train young UX designers of “Label école”. In addition to this, the redesign of the marketplace was access to the performance of optimized routes to compete with the biggest retailers, such as Vinted.


Decrease the bounce rate and the abandonments during the purchase.


Maintain good visibility among loyal users without harming existing SEO.


Priority to mobile, but without neglecting the desktop experience.


Ensure the improvement of the skills of Label École learners.

Bouton avec une flèche à l'intérieur
Deux écrans mobiles de la marketplace
Page d'inspiration du site
Mockup du site d'un un ordinateur

The solutions provided

Design System

Development of a dynamic system offering autonomy and flexibility for future updates of Label Emmaüs.

Backlog & Organization

Establishment of a rigorous project structure, ensuring methodical and organized progress.

Precise models

Delivery of documented models, pixel perfect, ready for development.

Handover & Technical Framing

Close collaboration with internal developers to ensure a smooth transition from design to implementation.

Différents parcours d'achat selon trois profils différents

Project methodology

Product Management Support: Throughout the project, our team adopted an approach centered on product management, ensuring that every decision made was aligned with Label Emmaüs' strategic goals.

Agility & Sprints: We implemented an agile methodology, working in sprints to ensure rapid evolution, constant adaptability to feedback, and continuous delivery of value. Training & Autonomy of

In-house designers: A distinctive aspect of our intervention was the training of Label Emmaus's in-house designers. Not only did we equip them with the skills needed to design models, but we also trained them to take charge of the continuous development of the site. The aim of this approach is to ensure the sustainability and autonomy of the Label Emmaüs team over the long term.

The skills of the teams

User research

In-depth study of user needs for an optimal experience.

Product management

Effective management of resources and priorities.

UX UI design

Creation of intuitive and modern interfaces.


Transmission of skills to Label École students.

Trois mockup du site dans des iPhones

From the site to the “marketplace”

The transformation of Label Emmaüs was not limited to a simple makeover. It has transformed from a traditional e-commerce site into a dynamic marketplace, meeting the expectations of a new generation of users.

The results in a few figures

Increase of 35%

of the conversion rate after the redesign

20% decrease

Bounce rate on mobile

+50% active users

thanks to mobile optimization

15% growth

in post-launch organic referencing

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