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New website for the 1st French industrial design school

Web site

About the project

Strate, a school belonging to the Galiléo educational group, expressed the need for a new website to consolidate its position as a premium school on the French education market. In addition to an essential refresh, the website required an update of its technical infrastructure and a migration to Drupal 4.

See the website


User Research

UX/UI design

Maquettes du site réalisé pour Strate

The problems addressed

Our main mission was to reconcile the positioning of Strate, a leader in industrial design training, and the experience lived on its website by responding to 4 fundamental problems:

Target audiences that are poorly understood and studied

The lack of knowledge about the expectations and needs of the public on the school site did not make it possible to optimize the experience.

A wide range of courses that are not easy to read

The structuring of the offer and the way of presenting the training courses provided did not allow users to grasp all the value.

Heavy and complex navigation

The experience of browsing the site offered numerous opportunities for the user to get lost or to miss out on the right information.

A graphic charter that is not well adapted to digital

Very impacting on its sprint supports, the identity of the school needed to be adapted to maintain its character and impact.

Section du site web de Strate
Bouton utilisé sur le site de Strate
Mockup d'une section hero du site Strate
Deux sections du site pour Strate
Maquettes du site web pour Strate

The challenges of the project

The redesign of the Strate site also committed us to meeting the needs of Galiléo, the group to which the school belongs:

Meeting conversion goals

The main objective of the redesign was to encourage the enrollment of future students.

Protecting the school's high performance SEO

The redesign of the site should in no way disrupt the work that had been done on SEO.

Adapting to technical constraints

We needed to offer interfaces and interactions compatible with Drupal 4 technology.

Give credibility to the premium nature of the school

By honoring the profession of designer through a creative, immersive and efficient experience.

Section du site pour Strate
Viseul d'un carrousel d'images
Think. Do. Design. (le slogan de l'école Strate)
Mockup d'un formulaire qui permet de télécharger le dossier de candidature

The solutions provided

To meet the needs and challenges of the school and the Galiléo group, 40/60 has worked on:

A new tree structure

By reorganizing the various contents of the school in a logical way.

Clear, precise and targeted UX paths

To respond quickly to the various needs of users.

Immersive and engaging UIs.

To propel visitors into the world of the best industrial design school in France.

A reinforced design system

Relying on atomic logic and standardizing certain pages to reduce the technical load and strengthen the coherence of the site.

Maquettes du site internet de Strate

Project methodology

To carry out

UX audit of existing

Detailed analysis of existing paths in order to challenge them and extract problems.

UX research

Identification, analysis and definition of the various problems to be solved with school audiences.

UX Design

Creation of the first screens in principle in shades of gray in order to begin the creation of models.

UI Design

Adaptation of the school charter to digital technology and transformation of the UX created into final models

Les étapes du projets

The skills of the teams

A team composed of 3 designers was asked to carry out the project successfully.

User research

Facilitation of interviews and workshops with students, parents and professionals.


Creation of a new tree structure and new user paths to meet identified needs.

UX UI design

UX and UI design of the website and all the paths previously imagined.

Art direction

Adaptation of an existing charter to digital media in order to maintain its impact and character.

Mockup de la page la d'accueil

A second wind

The Strate site had not been updated since its inception. To reconcile the lived user experience and the school's premium positioning, the site needed a new look.

First, graphically, to bring the school's identity to life on its website and to offer a coherent and pleasant visual experience to its visitors. But also, and above all, to improve ergonomics and navigation on all routes and thus meet the needs of its target audiences.

The results in a few figures

- 15%

bounce rate since it was put online.

+ 130%

of traffic over the 3 months following its launch online.

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