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Redesign the Visiativ website to modernize the group's image

Web site

About the project

Visiativ creates and develops digital tools for businesses to increase their efficiency, increase their productivity and commercial performance. It is a major player in its sector and offers a multitude of different offers, ranging from consulting missions to the sale of software or digital tool licenses.

In an effort to modernize, Visiativ had its graphic charter redone by an external company and called on 40/60 to redo their website, a real showcase for the group.

See the website


User Research

Product design (UX/UI)

Mockup de la refonte du site de Visiativ
5/5 étoiles de notation

The redesign of our platform has perfectly integrated the needs of users and the community, establishing a harmonious link between these two worlds. The goal of revitalizing the user experience was successfully achieved through an engaging user interface. The professionalism, creativity and responsiveness demonstrated fully met our expectations, within the initial framework defined at the beginning of the mission.

Photo by Lucile from Visiativ
Lucile Jaricot
Product Manager
Visiativ logo

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