
Give a Boost to your product to accelerate its growth!

We scale your product with precision, rigor and agility, our teams accelerate your project.


Optimize and accelerate your digital product with precision and agility to...

Make an appointment
Spécification fonctionnelle de boutons Documentation technique d'un produit Plan de test et de déploiement d'un produit
Composant web qui sert de récapitulatif produit Ecrans de la plateforme Saas SimplonAperçu de la plateforme Saas de l'ADN dataInterface d'une web application de prospection dans l'univers des média (ADN Data)Aperçu du site internet de Stokelp
Composant web qui sert de récapitulatif produit Ecrans de la plateforme Saas SimplonAperçu de la plateforme Saas de l'ADN dataInterface d'une web application de prospection dans l'univers des média (ADN Data)Aperçu du site internet de Stokelp

Why the Boost offer?

Refine your Product Market Fit

Constantly optimize your product so that it matches the market.

Implement new features harmoniously

Each new feature should fit naturally into your product.

Engaging your users

Streamlined paths and thoughtful design for better retention.

How do we help you achieve your results?

Aperçu de l'application carplay Stellantis


Need a partner capable of managing partial or total redesigns, while respecting the objectives of your product.

Professional serenity

Our expertise guarantees a serene approach, where technical complexities are resolved effectively, thus ensuring a smooth progress of your redesign project.

Objectives & performances

Our process integrates a thorough analysis of your needs and a constant evaluation of performance, ensuring that each proposed solution contributes in a tangible way to the realization of your ambitions and to the continuous improvement of your product.

Fast Skill Rise

By capitalizing on existing elements, we avoid regression, ensuring effective and consistent progress. This approach guarantees solutions that are not only adapted but also enriched by the experience and context of your project, thus optimizing each stage of the redesign.

The deliverables of a digital product
efficient and online.

Workshop à l'agence 40/60 de Paris

Strategy and research

Understanding your market, your users and your business will allow you to guarantee the success of the launch of your product.

Aperçu de la plateforme Saas Simplon

User experience design

Our UX/UI teams design all the paths of your digital product. A prototype and a detailed design system are delivered for development.

Plateforme Educ'Arte affiché sur une tablette

Development & Online Delivery

What better way to convince than to show something concrete? To do this, we create interactive models that give the impression of having the real product!

They trusted us to boost their product

Label Emmaus

Adapt and modernise the Label Emmaüs marketplace to reach a younger target audience.

85k buyers — committed to the marketplace

Customer case: Marketplace Label Emmaüs
Aperçu des écrans mobiles de la marketplace de Emmaüs

Arte Education

Redesign the Arte education platform (Educ'Arte), for schools.

3 projects — To redesign different paths of the platform.

Customer case: “Educt'Arte” platform
Visuel créé pour la plateforme d'éducation d'Arte

DNA Data

Support DNA in optimizing their service and prospecting platform.

5x more — leads converted after the redesign of the site and the platform

Customer case: “DNA data” platform
Dashboard de l'ADN data


Supporting Simplon since 2019 on internal and external ESS projects, such as Simplonline, Monte2Level, AG2R etc...

6 years — collaboration through various UX/UI projects.

Customer case: “Simplon” platform
Capture d'écran de la plateforme Simplonline

SNCF Transilien

Improving the user experience of 500,000 daily travelers.

3 projects — made with Transilien's digital teams.

Customer case: “Ma Ligne C” Mobile App
Photo d'un agent SNCF dans un train


Improving the buying and selling processes of raw materials in the food industry with Stokelp

3 million — euros raised in 2023.

Customer case: “My Design Office” platform
Flèche qui pointe vers le haut droite
Ecrans du site web de Stokelp


Support Visiativ in its digital ecosystem in order to improve the brand's customer experience on its various tools

2 projects — Successfully launched since 2021

Maquettes du site web de Visiativ

Over 170 projects completed since 2016!

See the achievements

Our holistic methodology

Discovery & Define


2 weeks


Project manager
UX/UI designer

Objective: Understand the problem and define the product

We start our process with a thorough analysis of your business, products, services, market and customers in order to fully understand your environment. We use this information to identify missing trends and opportunities, and gain valuable insights. Our priority is to understand the needs and problems of current and potential users in order to optimize our approach. Then, we define the outlines of your project. From defining a minimum version or preparing for a total redesign, we always prioritize the scope of the project.

The deliverables of the phase

Etapes de la définition d'un produit
User research report

Actors map, persona and journey map with associated lessons

Roadmap de NDT manager
Backlog and product roadmap

Functional framework with the list of functionalities prioritized by value and difficulty.

Arborescence d'un produit
Product tree

We draw the vision of your product with a detailed tree structure.

AD & branding


1 to 2 weeks


Project manager
UX/UI designer

Objective: Create a strong brand identity

To launch your product on the market, we also support you in creating a brand that conveys your values and an essential emotional dimension.

The deliverables of the phase:

Logo Youcie
Logo & mockups

We bring an emotional dimension to your brand through the logo.

Aperçu du brandbook de YouCie

Mockups are more detailed visuals of application screens. They give a clear idea of the final appearance of the application.

UX/UI design


2 to 6 weeks


Project manager
UX/UI designer

Objective: Prototype the solution

Thanks to our human-centered approach, we are able to map and visualize the user journey and goals from different perspectives. This information is our starting point for creating new, innovative and engaging user experiences. When launching a new product on the market, we pay particular attention to prototyping a product that has value for your users and that will evolve over time.

The deliverables of the phase:

Mockups de la plateforme Yure en mobile
Wireframes (UX) & Mockups (UI)

Mockups are more detailed visuals of application screens. They give a clear idea of the final appearance of the application.

Aperçu d'un design system
Design system

This includes visual elements such as colors, fonts, icons, images, and animations that will be used in the application

Spécification fonctionnelle de boutons
Functional specification

Each decision made by the design is then described to be transmitted to the developers.

Tech development


4 to 8 weeks


Project manager
Tech Project Manager
Front Developer
Back Developer

Objective: Develop in an agile way, functionality by functionality

Whether you need a website, platform, or application, our company specializes in developing solid and scalable products. Our objective is to deliver a high-end product that will allow your business to conquer its market. Our technical teams work closely with our design teams to ensure maximum quality integration. In addition, we also monitor the project to stimulate the growth of your product.

The deliverables of the phase:

Plan de développement d'un produit
Development plan

A development plan describes the steps and resources required including technologies, databases, servers, etc.

Documentation technique d'un produit
Technical documentation

Detailed technical documentation is essential for developers, including architecture diagrams and database descriptions.

Morceau de code utilisé pour la création d'un produit
Source code

If the agency is responsible for development, the source code of the application must be delivered to you.

Plan de test et de déploiement d'un produit
Test & deployment plan

This document describes the test cases and test scenarios that will be used to ensure that the application works properly and meets the requirements.

Review & Support


To be defined together


Project manager
Tech Project Manager
Front Developer
Back Developer

Objective: Optimize and support

We support you until your digital products are put online. Training and correction are provided to your teams and products if necessary.

The deliverables of the phase:

A man and a woman sitting at a table with a laptop.

If required, the agency can provide training to users or customer staff to ensure proper use of the application.

Plan de test et de déploiement d'un produit
Maintenance and support

A maintenance and ongoing support plan can also be included in the deliverables to ensure the sustainability of the application after launch.

Any ideas?
Together, let's give them life.

Start a project

Our collaborations successful

They loved the collaboration and loved the result.

5/5 étoiles de notation

“The collaboration with the studio is excellent in every way! The agreement and exchanges with the studio teams are of very good quality, the work provided lived up to our expectations, and at an affordable price. Camille and her team know how, from sprint to sprint, adapt to our requests, produce numerous routes and alternatives to give us different perspectives. We are convinced that our collaboration, which started in 2019, is destined to last over time.”

Photo by Tomas from Simplonline
Tomas Simoni
Product Manager
Simplonline logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“40/60 did a great job redesigning our marketplace. The impact of the redesign was real, with a 35% increase in the conversion rate after the redesign.”

Photo by Iris by Label Emmaus
Iris de Corlieu
Label Emmaüs Transition Manager
Emmaus Label logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

The team was able to understand with great relevance the needs of our users and the complex business challenges of our solution. The step-by-step support, initiative, creativity and professionalism of the team made it possible to obtain a result whose quality goes beyond the objectives set.

Photo of Jean from ImpalAct
Jean Diaz-Chantraine
Deputy CEO at ImpalAct
ImpalAct logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“What I appreciated the most during our collaboration with 40/60 Studio was their analytical and creative approach. Their technical expertise in web design and development was an asset for the success of the project. In addition, their ability to communicate effectively and respond quickly to our needs has greatly facilitated the development process.”

Photo by Mitsuaki by B.Conseil
Mitsuaki Vinot
Manager Innovation at B.Conseil
B. Logo advice
5/5 étoiles de notation

“I am eager to have worked with the 40/60 team to redesign the UX and UI of our application and website. The objective of our collaboration was ambitious, but their support, time, expertise and valuable advice allowed us to successfully complete our project.”

Photo of Marouane from ADN Data
Marouane El Gueddah
General manager
DNA Data logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“What we preferred about our collaboration was 40/60's ability to adapt to our unusual business and to offer adapted solutions.”

Picture of Tanguy from Stokelp
Tanguy De Cottignies
President of Stokelp
Stokelp logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

The redesign of our platform has perfectly integrated the needs of users and the community, establishing a harmonious link between these two worlds. The goal of revitalizing the user experience was successfully achieved through an engaging user interface. The professionalism, creativity and responsiveness demonstrated fully met our expectations, within the initial framework defined at the beginning of the mission.

Photo by Lucile from Visiativ
Lucile Jaricot
Product Manager
Visiativ logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“We worked with 40/60 to improve the user experience of our dashboard and better understand the needs of our users. They took the time to understand our business and the expectations of our users, to offer us tailor-made solutions adapted to our needs. Thanks to them, we have succeeded in creating a user experience that is more intuitive and closer to our users. We highly recommend 40/60 for their professionalism, their competence and their sense of humanity.”

Photo by Christophe from Botmind
Christophe Chevalier
Botmind logo
5/5 étoiles de notation

“The 40/60 team was able to immediately absorb our product philosophy to improve user journeys and produce mockups that we are gradually integrating into our application. The iterations were very fast; each time involving the right mix of ideas, concrete proposals and taking into account our feedback. More than a studio, 40/60 is a real partner for all design/product/UX themes with an ultra-dynamic, responsive and proactive team.”

Photo by Damien from Steerio
Damien Guery
Steerio logo
No testimony
Flèche qui pointe vers la gauche
Flèche vers la droite

Budget & financing of your project

We are flexible and offer tailor-made options to adapt to maturity to the specificities of your project.

The budget is fixed, eliminate financial contingencies with transparent pricing, based on the value we bring to your product.

Logo Diag Design

Take advantage of Diag Design assistance (1500€), we are a BPI partner.
Find out how to take advantage of it

Label d'agrément CII

We are CII approved You can pick up around 20 to 30% in tax credits.
Find out how to take advantage of it

A unique workshop to frame my project


A half-day workshop carried out remotely or in person in order to successfully complete a project:

Picto de check

Talk about your users, your concept, the functionalities and the journey of your concept.

Picto de check

Discuss your business model, marketing, technology, design etc.

Workshop à l'agence de Paris

You have not launched your product yet?

Get help with the definition of it. Fixing a development problem is 10 times more expensive than solving it in design, and 100 times more expensive if you are trying to solve the problem with a product that has already been released in production.

Start defining a project


Write to us to discuss your project.

Do you want to chat in person?
Photo de Quentin Da Silva
Quentin: 06 32 41 68 82
Quote de citation de témoignage
Photo de Marouane El Gueddah

Marouane El Gueddah

CEO of ADN Data

“By far the best agency collaboration”
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The questions we are often asked

How do you start a project together?

Contact us directly via the contact form or Book a call with Jean-Baptiste our sales representative for a personalized interview where you will express your challenges.

How much does a project cost?

The minimum budget to start a project is 5,000 euros. This is the minimum necessary to provide quality tailor-made services.

Of course, our costs adapt to your needs: everything depends on your project status and your goals! You can consult our services via the eponymous tab to get an initial idea of the budget range that will correspond to your project.

Do not hesitate to use our Digital Product Guide to carry out a free functional framework and get an initial estimate!

What sector do you specialize in?

We work more with SMEs, major accounts, associations and startups that have raised their seed as well as series A, B... with a creative, technological and human approach.

We are particularly successful in these sectors: finance, banking, real estate, real estate, transport, industry, communication, education and social.

We like to work in partnership with the most tech-savvy profiles in your company, who are able to make decisions: CEOs, Head of Marketing, CMO, CTO, Product Manager, Product Owner...

Who is your ideal customer?

An ideal client is deeply invested in their project and has either solid expertise in their field or a passion for digital technology.

Recognizing the value of partnership, its maturity in design and technology facilitates harmonious collaboration, leading to the successful completion of the project.

Clear goals on the part of the client are essential to assess success and satisfaction throughout the mission.

What do you need to do an estimate?

We need to get to know your project and its technical framework. Do you want to explore opportunities through a POC or launch your digital product on the market? Do you already have an advanced concept, prototype, or product? Do you only want to create UX UI mockups or develop your product?

You can tell us all this via the contact form or Book a call with Jean-Baptiste our sales representative to get an estimate.

How are your projects organized?

We use the Lean Startup method: we experiment using the design thinking approach, placing the user at the center of your product (user research). Then, we offer solutions and innovate. This generally involves the creation of UX UI mockups and clickable prototypes. Finally, we measure the impact of each of our proposals through user tests, which allow us to confirm our choices or to readjust them if necessary.
Once your prototype is completed, we can implement your solution using the most appropriate technology.

The teams are constituted as follows:
Mission director
Lead designer
Lead developer
Product designer
Frontend Developer

Of course, we adapt our method to each of your projects. Consult our services for more details.

Do you have a question?
We don't bite!