
10 best practices to follow for a successful web redesign

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    Our 100% free practical guide will help you answer your redesign problems by opting for the right solutions and making the right decisions.

    One Successful web redesign requires a thorough analysis of your existing system and the follow-up of several steps.

    We detailed everything for you in our white paper!

    refonte de site web

    First of all, what is a redesign?

    A redesign of a website is used to modify an existing site to make it more modern and more Adapted to its users.

    The redesign of a site is not necessarily graphic: it serves to improve the overall user experience, it is therefore a concept that encompasses both the structure of the site, its technical aspect linked to development, but also its UX and the strategy of its paths, its tree structure and its interface.

    Redesigning a site is also an opportunity to review its digital marketing strategy and content strategy.

    It is therefore not an action to be taken lightly, and you will surely need advice, or even support from a specialized agency to carry out your site redesign project.

    Why redesign your site?

    In 2022, the importance of a Website No longer needs to be demonstrated: whether you are a product or service company, have a website Will bring you visibility and 24/7 assistance for your customers.

    Whether he is a window dresser or a merchant, Your site must be in your image : it should reflect your business, its values and its solutions.

    But over time, your identity evolves and your current site may become Outdated : you no longer get the results you expected.

    vous devez faire une refonte de site internet

    To remedy this phenomenon, you can do a website redesign.

    We often hear that a redesign is equivalent to a renewal of the graphic charter of your site, to an improvement of its design or to make the interfaces simpler, but In reality, a redesign encompasses more areas.

    So remember to ask yourself the question: does my site only need a graphic and UX redesign, or do I need to add new features?

    To answer your question, we have put together a short article on the scale that will help you locate yourself in the Understanding Evolution of your mature product.

    refonte de site web cette étape

    Signals that Alert You to the Need for a Website Redesign

    A website redesign is carried out in a Purpose accurate. Identify it to be able to meet the expectations of your users.

    Here is the list of indicators that should alert you to the need to redesign your site, and how to interpret them.

    The bounce rate

    The bounce rate is the indicator that allows you to know if your users find what they are looking for on your site, after clicking on the search results. It indicates the Rate of users who leave your page directly Welcome After landing there, without clicking anywhere and staying there for a very short period of time.

    If your bounce rate is Greater than 50%, it's a sign that it's time to redesign your site.

    If your bounce rate is alarming, it's because your site's landing page is not enough Attractive.

    This can be linked to several reasons: overly complicated design, poor content strategy management... An audit and an update of the UI and UX of your site is recommended.

    The Conversion Rate

    Despite the numerous calls to action you use, your Users Don't Click, don't contact you, or don't buy your products.

    It's a sign that it's time to embark on a redesign project.

    Check that you use your calls to actions correctly, that they are placed in consistent places; and that they clearly indicate the action to which they refer.

    Tip : use a bright color to make them stand out and differentiate them from the rest of your components.

    refonte du site mettre en ligne

    Feedback from your users

    The best indicator to carry out your website redesign is the one that your visitors give you: the feedback they give you is more Valuable Everything you need to succeed in your design.

    Not only will they point out the components that are bothering them in your design, but they will also help you identify possible pain points in your user journeys.

    Listen to them, conduct interviews if necessary and Note their feedback. Beyond a simple conversation, you need to observe how the user uses your product. Ask him to test this or that feature, without guiding him too much in order to That he finds the solutions on his own.

    If you notice strong differences between the way you designed your website and the way the user uses it, it may be a sign that a redesign is needed. Ditto if it takes a long time to find features, or worse, if he doesn't see them.

    refonte d'un site internet pourquoi? Contenu
    The 40/60 Team in the Middle of a User Interview

    The Appearance of Bugs

    If you notice an increase in the frequency of bugs appearing, it may be because your web host is no longer adapted to your site, or vice versa.

    A redesign makes it possible to identify these technical problems and to solve them on your new site.

    Traffic, Quite Simply

    If your traffic is decreasing, it may be that your strategy to Natural referencing (or SEO) is no longer adapted to the requests of your users and to the requirements of search engines, especially those of Google.

    Your site may contain errors of Markup, that he takes too long to Charging Or that it hosts hidden content unintentionally: a whole lot of elements, which, put together, penalize you in your SEO.

    A site redesign will help you reset the clock and refocus your SEO content strategy.

    What's in our 100% free white paper on website redesign?

    It details 10 steps of a web redesign:

    The beginnings of a site redesign

    1 - Taking into account negative signals

    2 - How do I start? The user-centered approach

    3 - Tips for auditing purposes

    Take Action

    4 - How to define the objective of your site?

    5 - Choose the technology adapted to your ambition

    6 - Why design its functionalities according to its ambitions

    7 - Why think about your mobile experience

    8 - How to give importance to your content?

    Think about the future of your project

    9 - The technique to improve your site in continuous iteration

    10 - Tips for not losing your SEO

    We are proud of it, so here is an overview:

    les objectifs d'une refonte technique

    This guide will certainly not make you the next Bill Gates, but it will allow you to understand what are the steps to follow during a redesign, why to follow them and by what methods.

    Keep in mind that, as each project is unique, you must know how to adapt your tools to the circumstances. You build a Toolbox is therefore essential to facilitate the web redesign.

    Our advice for your project management

    Communication, organization, listening and consistency: the keys to managing your redesign project are simple on paper. They are much easier to list than to execute!

    So here are some tips to put in place to manage your team, your time and your investments, because successfully redesigning your website also depends on managerial skills.


    To ensure that information flows smoothly between members of your team, use the asynchronous/synchronous communication technology.

    Know the difference between your communication needs: if you overload your teams with meetings, some people may not be able to attend, or ideas may get lost as soon as they appear.

    Conversely, overloading your team with emails and other written materials could pull them out, and they would automatically release the information, causing losses.

    Here is a short graph, which will help you choose the most appropriate mode of communication based on the priority level of the information and its importance.

    Matrice de priorisation des canaux de communication
    Choosing the ideal communication medium

    Use tools like Slack, Notion, and Figma for asynchronous communication. When it comes to direct, synchronous communication, use weekly meetings to take stock and be aligned with each other.

    In this way, you will avoid mistakes related to misunderstandings.


    In terms of organization, the major challenge of your redesign is the coordination of team members towards an outdated goal. Do a Retroplanning and detail your actions step by step, allowing for margins of error.

    Use specifications, which will allow you to Frame Your redesign in terms of functionalities, time, features...

    Tools such as Google Calendar or Gantt charts will help you coordinate the various stakeholders in your project: developers, designers, project managers...

    Photo d'un atelier de cadrage


    When redesigning the site, you will use user interviews and team work.

    Have a Active Listening and take a real interest in what your interlocutors tell you, maybe their idea will give rise to another idea in you,: paintings, visuals...

    In design, we always say:”Don't Fall in Love with Your Ideas”. In other words, stay flexible and open to the possibility of changing the scope and direction of your project.


    The consistency of your new site will be ensured through a mixture of the latest tips listed earlier, but also through the use of a Design system, a bank of components allowing your design to be made up of the same Graphic identity, everywhere.

    Design system de Flex Manuel
    Excerpt from a design system made by 40/60 for Flex Manual

    Download the white paper

    We Put a Lot of Heart Into Writing This First White paper, we hope you enjoy it and that you will follow many more tips in the form of other white papers!

    So, if you are interested in these tips, simply click on the link to download it:

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    40/60 Innovation By Design expertise at your service

    40/60 is an agency of 17 digital natives who are experts in digital and innovation.

    We Are Doing Responsive design websites and web redesigns with our customers since 2016. We have been confronted with all kinds of situations and profiles, so we have concentrated our expertise to make it available to you.

    Ce White paper Serves as a guide to adopt the right solutions and avoid recurring mistakes, giving you 10 useful and achievable steps.

    Website redesign: what are the results?

    Check out our customer case on the redesign of Label Emmaus:

    Cas client Label Emmaüs

    The result of the redesign we carried out on the Janssens Immobilier website:

    Lien vers le site web de Janssens

    Do you want to be accompanied?

    Contact us, it will be a pleasure to put our expertise at your service in your website redesign project.


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