
How to find funding for your digital project? The example of the Innovation Tax Credit (CII)
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You want Redesign a digital product Or in develop a new ? La origination Or the redesign of a mobile application, of a website or any other digital project may require a lot of money. You are therefore legitimately wondering about the means of financing available to make your idea a reality.

Today, we share with you 6 solutions to find funding for your project. In addition, we will tell you about a tool that could allow you to reduce the budget to be expected : the Innovation Tax Credit (or HERE)

Carte qui invite a découvrir si on est éligible au CII

Understanding the digital project financing landscape

Why financing is crucial in the digital field

You know it: digital is a sector in constant evolution, and companies that miss the Turning point in the digital transition can quickly be put at a disadvantage. To stay in the race, you must therefore innovate. For example, you could:

  • Suggest a Mobile app (on iOS and/or Android) to allow your customers to access your services at any time.
  • Develop new tools, such as business software, that make it easier to manage your business and increase productivity.
  • Increase your online presence by creating or redesign of a website.
  • Stand out from your competitors via a web application.

But for that, one thing is essential: funding and a sufficient budget to allow a result that meets your expectations.

Carte qui invite à lire l'article "Comment réussir la refonte de son site web"
10 best practices to follow for a successful web redesign

Points to take into account before choosing the means of financing your project

To determine the method of financing the more suited to your business, in particular, you can take into account:

  • The type of product that you plan to set up and its purpose.
  • Your turnover, your number of customers and their needs.
  • Your business model.
  • Your stage of development and your growth prospects.
  • Your Level of involvement in its implementation.
  • Your Personal contribution, if it exists.
  • Your renown in your business.
  • Etc.

Depending on these different elements, the financing opportunities available to you could differ and be more or less interesting.

7 ideas to finance your digital project

If the possibilities are multiple, 40/60 has chosen to present to you the seven financing methods that we find the most adapted to the development or transformation of a digital product.

1 - Love money to get funds at the start

La Love Money, literally “love money”, can be a good way to finance your project, especially at its launch. Vos Relatives, who believe in your idea and its potential, provide you with an investment to help you develop it.

2 - Go through a crowdfunding platform

The crowdfunding, or crowdfunding (literally “crowd funding”), is becoming more and more popular, especially because it has many advantages:

  • You raise funds without necessarily having to transfer capital to new investors.
  • You don't get into debt with an additional bank loan.
  • You can benefit from a direct market validation. If you like your new idea, it will have a base of “fans” or new users before it is even launched.
Illustration d'une interface
Financing a digital product through crowdfunding

However, keep in mind the limitations and disadvantages of crowdfunding:

  • The success of your campaign requires the implementation of a excellent marketing strategy. You will need to communicate relentlessly in order to raise the necessary funds.
  • The The success and financing of your project are absolutely not guaranteed, and if it fails, it could affect your reputation.
  • Crowdfunding is especially suitable for small-scale campaigns.
  • If you use a platform for your crowdfunding campaign, fees will often be levied, reducing by as much the amount that can be used to finance your mobile application or the creation or redesign of your website.
  • This lends itself better to certain sectors of activity.

3 - Fundraising to find new investors

Fundraising can be interesting for certain types of businesses, in particular Start-up. In exchange for contributions, which are often significant, investors (or business angels) enter the capital of your company and help you. Fundraising allows in particular:

  • To raise relatively large amounts of money.
  • Of benefit from expertise and support of these new investors, who are often leaders in their sector of activity and who can therefore help you accelerate the development of your digital product.
  • To have access to their networks.

However, fundraising also has disadvantages to keep in mind:

  • Raising funds represents a long and expensive investment, especially in terms of time and resources. To convince potential investors, your business model must be viable, and your business plan solid, as well as your market research.
  • This type of Financing is dilutive : in exchange for their contributions, your investors become shareholders or partners in your company. Now they will have their say, decreasing the control you have on your project, and more generally, on your business.

You want to put all the chances on your side for the success of your fundraising ? 40/60 helps you make your digital product tangible to attract new investors. Discover our offer that has already attracted many start-ups!

4 - The bank loan to finance your project

Les loans offered by banks remain one of the most classic options. There are several reasons for this:

  • They offer you a Predictable means of financing. Once your contract is signed, you are (in most cases) fixed on the repayment terms and the interest rate.
  • Depending on the maturity stage of your company and your project, interesting opportunities may present themselves to you (zero interest loan for example).

But getting a loan is not necessarily easy:

  • It will be necessary to present a solid backrest to convince your banker.
  • Of interests will be added to the amount to be repaid, reducing your borrowing capacity accordingly.
  • Borrow Engage your responsibility and that of your structure.

5 - Competitions or calls for projects

Les competitions and calls for projects represent a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs in the digital field. These initiatives, often organized by public institutions or private partners, can make it possible to obtain financial awards or other forms of support.

Illustration d'une personne qui appel l'argent
Competitions or calls for projects to find funding

These opportunities are in demand because:

  • This funding is generally not refundable and therefore do not weigh on your cash flow.
  • Winners often benefit from a interesting media exposure, which is perfect for boosting the visibility of your business.
  • Some competitions also allow you to access networks of experts who could help you accelerate your development.

Nevertheless, keep in mind the disadvantages of this financing method:

  • The funds required are Far from guaranteed. Generally, only the entrepreneurs who have convinced them the most are finally awarded them.
  • Since the selection is very rigorous, it requires meticulous preparation. You will often need to provide market research, prototypes, and sometimes even a business plan. Participating therefore represents a real investment in time!
  • The Delay between submitting and receiving funds, if you are selected, can be a long time.

Competitions or calls for projects may therefore not be an ideal solution to finance your project if it is still in its infancy. However, they can bring a Interesting boost if you have already made good progress in implementing it.

6 - Bpifrance grants and aids to innovative companies

In France, the subsidies and others innovation grants are a popular financial instrument. Granted by public authorities, local authorities or even private partners, they are interesting because:

  • These grants are neither a loan nor a cash advance: they will therefore not weigh on your company's accounts and will allow you to finance the necessary expenses.

Among the aids that exist, you will find for example:

  • The device Bpifrance Design Diagnostic : it is tailor-made support with a qualified expert to create or redesign the design of a product (€4,000 excluding VAT) or a service (€3,000 excluding VAT). 50% supported by the BPI, this offer is aimed at French SMEs and innovative start-ups.
  • The device Diagnosis Axes of Innovation from Bpifrance makes it possible to identify potential areas of innovation in a project. The BPI can finance it at 50% if the amount of this benefit does not exceed €16,000 excluding VAT. SMEs and ETIs can benefit from this support, provided that they have not already received it in the last 2 years.
  • Les French Tech grants.
  • Les local grants, of your division or of your region.

To obtain some of these grants, in particular those from Bpifrance, you will have to use an authorized partner, such as 40/60. Our skills and the seriousness of our experts have in fact allowed us to obtain the necessary approvals so that you can benefit from these advantageous aids.

However, keep in mind:

  • That you will have to present a very solid case. The envelope allocated to grants by the various organizations is in fact not unlimited, and the Competition is tough. Using an approved web agency is therefore all the more interesting: we will be able to help you build a solid case.
  • This method of financing can be conditioned to very specific criteria, which your business must complete in order to be eligible.

7 - The Innovation Tax Credit (or CII) to reduce your expenses

If your business is based in France, a very advantageous tax system is offered to her: the Innovation Tax Credit (or HERE), intended to encourage French SMEs to develop innovative projects. Thanks to the CII, 30% of expenses necessary for the realization of your digital project can give rise to rebates in the form of tax credits.

Illustration qui montre que avec le CII on peut récupérer 30% de l'investissement
The Innovation Tax Credit (CII), a popular solution to encourage innovative digital projects

However, it is important to keep a few things in mind if you want to benefit from CII:

  • Not all businesses and projects are eligible.
  • A solid and complete file must be presented to the competent services.
  • You will have to use a service provider with a CII approval and referenced by the consumer ombudsman in order to benefit from it.

Chez 40/60, in particular, we have these approvals and each year we support numerous structures in the creation or transformation of their digital products.

Note: tax credits are capped at €400,000 per year and per company.

Is your project eligible for the CII?

Unfortunately, not all projects are eligible for this device. But then, what are the CII eligibility criteria ? To find out, test your eligibility on our dedicated simulator!

Note that meeting these criteria is not sufficient to benefit from this device. You will also have to collaborate with a partner with a CII approval for your project to be eligible. This is precisely the case with 40/60.

Find out if your project is eligible for the CII

For your digital project, choose 40/60, your CII approved digital agency

40/60 is your CII approved digital agency : by working with us, you are offering yourself the collaboration of design and tech experts, and the opportunity to benefit from these tax credits.

Is your digital project still in its infancy? Discover our framing workshop, and with 40/60, give it solid foundations in record time! You will benefit from the support of our experts in particular to define your specifications, identify your users and prioritize your needs.

Our web agency is referenced by the consumer ombudsman

Consumer mediation services have recognized our expertise and our ability to offer the resources and experience necessary to carry out innovative projects. The 40/60 agency thus has this CII approval.

Each year, we have the opportunity to support many professionals in the development of their business by helping them to implement new digital products. So we are used to supporting them for the constitution of their CII financing file.

40/60, a partner of choice for the development of your digital product

In the vast digital world, often, the first question that arises is that of Choosing the right partner. Working with 40/60 means choosing expertise and efficiency. We support you from creation of the specifications to the marketing of your product, and are constantly atlistening to your needs. But what exactly are the benefits of working with us?

At 40/60, we have a solid digital expertise in many areas:

  • Creation ofmobile applications on iOS and Android
  • Innovation consultancy
  • Business software design
  • Saas platform development
  • Creation or redesign of websites
  • Web app creation

But more than delivering you a simple website or a mobile application, we deliver a real impact.

  • You want to do as Eiffage Who, thanks to a much more intuitive application, divided the clocking time of its workers by 2.6, while limiting input errors?
  • Or like Arte, which thanks to us, has succeeded in streamlining the learning experience of users of Educ'Arte platform ?

Calling on 40/60 means putting our know-how at the service of your company to Help it differentiate itself and conquer its market.

During our 7 years of existence, our team of design and tech experts has thus taken part in more than 180 innovative projects. What if the next one was yours?

So how do you finance a digital product?

The success of your digital project therefore does not depend solely on your initial idea. Whether you want to finance a mobile or web application, the redesign or creation of your website, or even develop business software or a Saas platform, you must above all ensure that your business can raise the necessary funds.

You now have an overview of different options available to you for financing your digital product.

A few tips to find the most suitable option for your situation:

  • Create a solid business plan. It can help you convince future financial partners.
  • Frame your project well to determine the costs as accurately as possible.
  • Analyze your sector of activity in detail in order to design a digital product that meets your expectations.
  • Don't close your doors and explore all the other financing options available to you.
  • Developing a new digital product is good; doing it in association with experts in tech and design who will be able to increase its usability, it's better.

You think that the Innovation Tax Credit (CII) could be the ideal solution to reduce your expenses? So choose a trusted partner like 40/60. We will support you at each stage of the development of your digital product to make it reach new heights. En 7 years of existence, our team contributed to the success of more than 180 innovative projects. So why not yours?

Tell us about your project, and together, let's give it a new dimension!

Finding funding for a digital project: frequently asked questions

Is it mandatory to work with an approved partner to be eligible for the CII?

Yes, it is important to work with a CII approved partner for your project to be eligible. At 40/60, we have just the necessary approvals to allow you to benefit from this device.

Carte qui invite a tester son éligibilité au CII


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