
Understand the design sprint in 7 minutes

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    What is a design sprint?

    The design sprint is a method for designing a product and/or service in a short time (5 days) and in an organized manner. The time limit and the precise organization of tasks make it possible to quickly achieve a concrete result, based on the design thinking approach.

    design sprint stratégie business

    Design Sprint and Design Thinking, what's the difference?

    The Design thinking is an approach, a way of working: that of design.

    A creative process that places the end user at the center of the product or service that is being built. To do this, designers use a variety of techniques: creating personas, conducting iterative tests and user research, in order to create a prototype adapted to humans.

    The Design sprint is a method of innovation.

    It makes it possible to apply this approach, step by step, in a condensed manner, using the time constraint as an asset. It allows the collective intelligence of a team to be concentrated on a given time, using the principles of design thinking. The team must be organized and communication fluid to achieve a design sprint in only 5 days.

    The design sprint is therefore based on the methodology of design thinking, applied in a particular context of ideation for a limited period of time.

    To put it simply: a sprint is a concentrated process of the designer's innovation method: design thinking.

    The design sprint is organized into 5 main stages:

    They are generally organized by days:

    tester ses idées autour d'une problématique
    The 5 phases of the design sprint

    1 - The definition

    We start with a definition and observation stage whose objective is to understand the needs of users and to precisely define the problem to be solved;

    2 - Ideation

    An ideation stage whose aim is To sketch trails solutions to the identified problem

    3 - The design

    A stage of selection and solution design;

    4 - The prototype

    On day 4, we start a prototyping stage of the solution in order to project users in the operation and experience of the future service;

    5 - The solution test

    A stage of testing the solution with users, in order to collect Feedback and to optimize the solution during the next sprint.

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    Where does the design sprint come from?

    The design sprint is an evolution of brainstorming. Based on the observation that working in an emergency would sometimes make it possible to be more effective, Jake Knapp, an employee at Google, gradually developed the design sprint method.

    “It was when I was facing a big challenge and did not have enough time to take on it that I gave my best”

    design sprint par jake knapp

    Jake Knapp simultaneously completed the brainstorming exercise and structured the emergency so that a team could co-create concepts and test them before embarking on their realization.

    The first sprint consisted of 40 people. The week was divided into one day of ideation and four days of prototyping.

    By repeating the exercise, Jake Knapp realized what actually made it possible to move the project forward and, conversely, what did not benefit him.

    The number of participants, the division of time, the content of the days and the concept of return on investment were refined by Jake Knapp.

    The sprint method worked well and spread among Google teams on a variety of different projects until it was well put together. But the enthusiasm for sprinting did not stop there.

    Once the method was refined and the employees were won over, the sprint design attracted the curiosity of Bill Maris, the boss of Google Ventures, responsible for managing the portfolio of promising start-ups. He imagined using the sprint method to test the ideas of the start-ups he supervised.

    In 2012, the first “startup sprint” took place at Google Ventures.

    Again, the method has been tested and refined with various startups and continuously improved. Jake Knapp recounts in his book that he was then working with Braden Kowitz, John Zeratsky, and Michael Margolis.

    Together, they were able to define the steps and carve out the time for the startup sprints.

    Jake Knapp defines sprint design as:

    “Sprinting is Google Venture's unique process for answering critical questions by building prototypes and testing ideas with customers. It's a marvel in terms of business strategy, innovation, behavioral science, design, and more. All concentrated in a 5-day, step-by-step process that any team can use.”

    Sprinting has now changed from a working method within Google to a innovation technique used around the world.

    Le design sprint peut être utilisé par toutes les entreprises

    The Design Sprint, more than management jargon, what is the point?

    Plan yourself in the future use of a service

    Transforming a product vision into a concrete reality is not an easy thing and all too often, so-called traditional development methods take a long time to organize, plan, design before launching a product on the market.

    The design sprint takes the opposite view of this approach because it allows visualize the product before even engaging in its development : it quickly designs and tests the key functionalities of the product, the user's appetite and its technical feasibility before launching it into production.

    Foster collaboration

    Business organizations are evolving and increasingly based on collaboration to encourage innovation.

    To ensure that every aspect of the product is taken into account, the design sprint thus makes it possible to bring together various skills.

    He then divides the work into individual and collective time in order to to speed up the design and product development.

    Bouncing back on chess

    It is often said that chess is a source of wealth. The sprint allows you to quickly become aware that you are wrong, that our idea is not viable, that it does not appeal to users or that it is not technically feasible...

    It's better to know this before you start producing it!

    design sprint d'un produit chez 40/60

    Analyzing the problem

    Many solutions don't answer a real user problem. The design sprint takes the time to start from the beginning, to identify the problem before going for a solution. That's why the first day is dedicated to defining the sprint problem and exploring the user environment.

    It is a very important moment that not only establishes the foundations of the universe in which we are located but guides the rest of the week.

    Test with users

    The aim of any sprint is to test your solution with your users. Feedback is valuable.

    They make it possible to decide if the next few months of development are necessary and thus to save time and money.

    Adapt the method to your needs

    The start of the sprint defines where we need to go. What are our goals? Whatever your question, and even if it seems insurmountable, in a few days, the sprint will answer it.

    This is the strength of the sprint: adapt to all types of projects.

    Initially used by Google, then by startups, the sprint proved to be successful for SMEs, public services and large groups alike.

    la phase de test design sprint

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    ‍ 3 tips for a good sprint

    #1 Trust the process

    Trust the method. Each step is important and must be respected, despite the unexpected. It is only at the end of the sprint that you realize its effectiveness, that all the steps are necessary and complement each other.

    #2 Identify risks early

    A step often forgotten, although necessary, the identification of risks is paramount, especially in view of the time and budget constraints intrinsic to the sprint design.

    Identifying them allows you to anticipate, monitor and control them.

    #3 Build a multi-skilled team

    A versatile team makes it possible to meet all sprint needs. Designer, developer, growth hacker, product owner, Define the roles precisely at the beginning of the Design Sprint and everyone's responsibilities and plan for collective work time.

    Frame the decision-making times of the design sprint: do not hesitate to use the vote to guarantee collective membership.

    Create your Design Sprints and get started with the method.

    Photo d'une scéance de design sprint

    To remember:

    The design sprint is a innovation method that allows businesses to insure their digital transformation project.

    Based on the design thinking approach, the design sprint allows you to engage in a creative process in just 5 days.

    Applying this design sprint method, developed in particular by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky, allows you to develop and implement new ideas, better ideas, in an innovation process for the benefit of your business strategy.

    Of course any type of business can adopt the design sprint: from start-ups to large companies: to solve a problem, find solutions, ensure the development of a project...

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