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Discover our framing workshop offer

Our customers who have succeeded thanks to their redesign.

x5 leads conv

For theDNA Data thanks to the successive redesigns of their platform and website.

1.2 million €

Hjalep raised 1.2 million euros after the redesign of their application.

+80% adoption

After the redesign of the pedagogy application Simplonline.

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Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
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Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
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Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
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Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken
logo Arte
Logo Grace
Logo Yure
Logo de l'ADN data
Logo Super Capital
Logo la Poste
Logo Botmind
Logo Magnard Delagrave
Logo Jimo
Logo Simplon
Logo La France Mutualiste
Logo Huggle
Logo Heineken

The goals of your redesign are our goals

A quick ROI

Redesigning a digital product can increase a company's revenue by 15% to 35%. stream

Efficient conversion paths

The intentional and strategic user experience can increase the conversion rates of 400%. stream

Increase user retention

The creation of intuitive and useful features is increasing by 15% on average user retention. stream

Improving the usability of the interface

47% of online shoppers say they are abandoning a site because they are not able to understand what the business offers. stream

Increase technical performance

53% Mobile visits are abandoned if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load. stream

Save development time

La 50% of developer time is spent solving problems that could have been avoided at the design stage. stream

Make an appointment, and let's talk about your needs

We take the time to study our needs to get the most fair price.