
Why do a UX Audit?

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    Starting with an in-depth analysis of the UX of your application, platform or website, will allow you to know its place in the market and the expectations of Internet users, in order to include your product in both short-term thinking (quick wins) and long-term thinking (product vision). UX audits are particularly important when you want to redesign your site or app. A UX audit will save you precious months.

    What is an UX Audit?

    To start, I invite you to discover what UX design is (user experience) in detail. If you are up to date you are in the right place, so follow me.

    A UX audit is a detailed analysis according to several criteria, of a website, an application, or any other digital interface. At 40/60 we analyze through:

    • The key figures of the performance of your website: web analysis
    • Ergonomics and the hierarchy of information
    • The functionalities and their uses
    • Navigation through the courses and funnel
    • Responsive, i.e. the different screen sizes (mobile, tablet, computer, tv, etc...)

    As you will have understood, a UX Audit is extremely strategic because it will give the first design guidelines so that the user needs met are also in line with the company's strategy.

    Tableau Excel d'une grille évaluation UX de site
    Our UX Audit scoring tool

    The methodology of a UX Audit

    In the form of an illustrated report, the UX audit makes it possible to highlight the faults of the interface. Through this rendering, the analysis of the product is done path by path with the following criteria:

    Web analysis

    We analyze the consultation, the bounce rate and the impact that social networks have on certain pages. To do this, we adapt to your tracking tools*, such as Google Analytics.

    Ergonomics & hierarchy

    Ergonomics is the ability of the site to meet user expectations. We analyze the user's comfort when browsing and looking for the information they want.


    Your users go through a certain number of functionalities such as search and filters or even the consultation of a product and its purchase. These functionalities must meet certain usability and desirable criteria.


    Good navigation ensures that the user will find the information they are looking for with each click they make. Often complex and built over time, navigation is one of the main factors in bounce rates.


    Information must be designed for the mobile format. It is also possible that the routes need to be adapted and simplified.

    UX audit deliverables

    This deliverable illustrated with screenshots will highlight areas of recommendation in order to improve the user experience of your next version. It will also be a support for decision support with detailed analyses of functionalities by functionalities. At 40/60 the deliverable is also presented to better define the precision of the recommendations.

    To start this first strategic phase, UX auditing is integrated into our Diag Design offer. This offer includes a workshop, audit and extensive user research. Our partner BPI France is 50% confident in this offer, perfect for the start of digital projects.

    Interface annoté dans le cadre d'une audit UX


    At 40/60, an Ux audit can take between 3 days and 2 weeks depending on the complexity and depth of the audit. The results of the audit make it possible to define very precise specifications limiting the risk of error when designing a new website, such as meeting a non-essential need, going in the wrong direction or not corresponding to the strategic vision of your company.


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